GLAAD has announced that their annual "excellence in media" award will be going to Tyra Banks. No, seriously! This honor comes as word leaks about Banks's most insanely gaysploitive project yet.

The editor of the Gay Socialites blog reveals that he was recently asked to take part in...well, we're just going to let you find out yourself, because discovery is fun:

After a few minutes of talking with one of the Associate Producers on the telephone today, I found out that I'm not gay enough for Tyra Banks. The AP told me that Tyra was looking for someone who was a bit more "queeny" to participate in "Gay Town", a reality experience for "The Tyra Banks Show."

From what I was told, Tyra is going to lock a bunch of gays, lesbians and bi-sexual people in a room and observe how they act in different situations. Then in a few days, Tyra will bring the gays on-set to talk about their experience.

Excellence in Media! We can't wait to see Gay Town (run by Mayor William Sledd and hysterical Deputy Mayor Chris Crocker) flourish in a boom stereotype economy, only to crumple when crafty producers take away video cameras, internet access to Pink is the New Blog, and flat-irons.

[Photo Credit: AP]