With the Lunar New Year dropping, rebirth is in the air and you have a chance to revise some New Year's resolutions. Lose 15 pounds? Make that 5. Find peace? More like, find a job.

If today - January 26 - is your birthday: You're tired and hungover after just getting home from a SAG Awards after party, but the glory of last night and the smell of victory will remain for days. You may not have won any awards, but that coat room make-out session with Dev Patel will take a prominent position on your shelf for years to come.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Having doors slammed in one's face is nothing new for an young actor, but maybe that means it's time to go back to school. There's nothing wrong with getting a Masters Degree, especially when it enhances your craft and gives you the health insurance to deal with that nagging pain in your left ventricle.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): The career of Daniel Craig, a fellow Pisces, will show you the ideal lifepath this week. Maybe you're not an international action star and sex symbol yet, but at least you know that your European films filled with shots of your junk and your ass won't prevent you from taking your career to the next level.

Aries (March 21 - April 19): It's time to plan your spring break. Before you decide on a destination, ask yourself a few questions: Should I do a five- or seven-night package? Do I want an ocean view suite or a cheaper room by the pool? Is being a 55 year-old millionaire producer trying to score college co-eds really pathetic, or is it the essence of the American dream?

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Money is tight, but take a leap of faith and get in on the agency's Super Bowl pool. You might be a female temp who does not understand the rules of football or how sports betting functions, but when you win half the pot you'll receive the positive and negative attention required to get ahead in this business.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21): Sometimes you feel like you are stuck on a metaphorical island, geographically isolated but completely surrounded by treacherous waters. If that wasn't enough, you have questions about your role on the island, about the island's role in your life and about your ability to trust the other inhabitants of that island. Moreover, there are mysterious forces at work that affect your life in new ways each year. Yeah, you watch way too much Lost.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22): Late night infomercials are a scary trap for an out-of-work assistant. The promises of an easier life through strange consumer products is appealing but half of the time those items are junk and end up in the bottom of your closet. Either way, you should probably stop fantasizing about the ShamWow guy.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Hollywood is a tough town, but it's a good thing you have your brother with you. He'll help you through the tough times and will always be there for you when you need him. Sure, he's the Ron and you're the Clint Howard in this situation, but getting pussy by association is better than no pussy at all.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Networks are looking for cheap alternatives to expensive scripted programming so put your thinking cap on and get to work. Make a list of shows that are on television or in development and then find something new and crazy that no one's ever done. Or just go to Hyde Lounge with one of the Deal Or No Deal chicks. You can just rip-off some Japanese show tomorrow.

Libra (September 23 - October 23): It's hard to watch a loved one leave your life, but there's no reason to get suicidal. Spending years of your life in devotion shows commitment, so have a good cry and get over it. Wicked may not be playing LA anymore, but Phantom of the Opera easily lends itself to creepy fanboys like you.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 21): It's a bummer that your film was snubbed by the Academy, no one is saying it's not. You helped produce a movie that elevated the art of the superhero genre and raised the bar for Hollywood spectacle and you deserve to be recognized with at least a Best Picture nom. What's done is done, so sleep easy on your mattress filled with Dark Knight money.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Friends are your most important asset in these times of economic strife. Keep those investments strong by planning a girl's night for the ladies at your film financing company. You'll be able to leave your work at the office, let loose and concentrate on maximizing the R.O.I. for the capital you're injecting into that particular sector of your life.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Life is full of trying experiences, and after seeing Slumdog Millionaire over the weekend, the stars are telling you that it might be necessary to get a little dirty to get the writing career you desire. While we doubt they mean you should jump into a puddle full of excrement to get close to your dreams, we're pretty sure it would get you past CAA's security.