We may never know whether Joaquin Phoenix donned oven mitts and rocked the Queer Lounge at Sundance, but today, we know far more about his disastrous "performance" in Las Vegas than we ever wanted to.

Not only do we have video footage of Phoenix's victorious post-rap aftermath (bouncing up and down and falling off the stage in what may have been a Pogo Ball accident gone wrong), but Gatecrasher brings word that concertgoers were treated to far more of Phoenix's nether regions than they'd anticipated thanks to an eye-level wardrobe malfunction. Page Six has its own backstage account, which details a feud that erupted when the faux shenanigans were in danger of delay:

"He was waiting for Casey Affleck" - who's directing a documentary about Phoenix's venture - "and when the film crew arrived late, Joaquin flipped out," said our insider. The spy said Phoenix yelled at the crew, "Thanks for being late and [bleep]ing everything up." He then threw a CD on the floor and stormed out. "He came back five minutes later and did the sound check," said the source, who added, "Nobody can tell if he is for real or if this is all a big joke."

Oh really?