Oprah Winfrey's Personal Trainer Fails His Way to the Top
Oprah Winfrey famously can't control her weight. She recently overate until she was 200 pounds. So why is her 17-year diet-and-exercise manager a bestselling author?
Bob Greene expects his latest "Best Life" diet book will do as well as his past efforts because of, not despite Winfrey's recent ballooning, and her on-air discussion of it, he told the Times.
It's a very positive thing for me," he said, "and book sales aren't suffering."
"...Everyone knows she follows my plan, but when she doesn't, she gains weight."
No publicity is bad publicity, etc.
But wouldn't Oprah do better with someone who wasn't so extreme and unrealistic? Greene forbade the media queen from drinking a single glass of champane after won a freaking lifetime achievement Emmy.
Bless the times, truly, for finding this awesome guy to openly (and appropriately!) taunt Greene:
Gunnar Peterson, a personal trainer who has worked with Jennifer Lopez, Penélope Cruz and Mike Tyson, said that any time a client falls off the wagon, the fault lies with the trainer, because it is his or her job to formulate a plan that works for the client.
"Great plan, Bob," Mr. Peterson said. "In theory it's a 10, but guess what: it's not working."