Barack Obama visited a famous Washington hot dog restaurant this weekend, thrilling the good people at the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council.

Look we're just going to quote extensively from their press release because it's not really possible to improve on:

National Hot Dog & Sausage Council Says President-Elect Obama’s Historic Trip to Famous DC Hot Dog Restaurant Reflects Excellent and All-American Taste in Cuisine

Sunday, January 11, 2009

National Hot Dog & Sausage Council Says President-Elect Obama’s Historic Trip to Famous DC Hot Dog Restaurant Reflects Excellent and All-American Taste in Cuisine

Washington, DC – President-Elect Barack Obama’s visit to the DC landmark Ben’s Chili Bowl for a half-smoke yesterday reflects his excellent and all-American taste in cuisine.

According to National Hot Dog & Sausage Council President Janet M. Riley. “His stop yesterday shows that while the most sophisticated chefs in America may be vying for his palate, American hot dogs and sausages were the ‘wieners’ this weekend in Washington.”

Ben's Chili Bowl is a famous DC landmark. It is a black-owned business that has survived some very tough times in what was once a riot-torn black neighborhood. Now of course it is all gentrified and Ben's is known primarily among younger DC residents as the place that is open precisely one hour beyond bar close. So Obama was probably drunk.

For years there was a sign at Ben's that said "Who eats free at Ben's: Bill Cosby. No one else." Last year they added the entire Obama family! So he was drunk and cheap. Also here is a funny bit from the visit:

Asked by a member of the traveling press pool about the significance of his visit, Obama said, "It means I'm going to get a hot dog."

Still—we, along with the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council, applaud our president-elect's fantastic taste in hot dogs.