The left's Great Satan, former Dubya advisor Karl Rove, uses Twitter, the microblogging service. Smell the outrage, 140 characters at a time!

Really, should we be shocked that George W. Bush's former deputy chief of staff is there, or that he's so late to the game? Having exited the administration, Rove is following a familiar script in reinventing himself as a pundit, and the punditocracy, like the rest of the media, loves Twitter. The brevity the service forces on its users makes for a soundbite-friendly environment. And Rove is a technophile — remember how he was spotted using an iPhone, long before they were sold at Wal-Mart?

And look, Rove is already chatting up Joe Trippi, Howard Dean's former campaign manager. We've added KarlRoveChannel to our list of the Twitterati. This should be delicious.