Sean Penn could woo Lindsay Lohan with an Oscar invite and Graydon Carter can woo a Waverly Inn neighbor with a spot in Vanity Fair and museums can. Seduction is everywhere.

  • Lindsay Lohan ditched Samantha Ronson to spend an evening with Sean Penn in West Hollywood. Dinner and a club. Maybe she's broken up with Samantha Ronson, forever, or maybe she's just another one of Penn's unlikely Oscar-season companions.
  • That a Greenwich Village Block Association president can trade her influence for a photo in Vanity Fair and a prime table at the Waverly Inn is either a travesty for the democratic process or an example of its amazing power, depending on where you sit. Graydon Carter appears to be top from either vantage point. [P6]
  • The Huffington Post inauguration ball will feature Leonardo DiCaprio. Ten bucks says that's the biggest celebrity the Newseum will ever draw. [ET]
  • You're Britney Spears. Dressing for your brother's wedding. Just how far down your chest does the neckline go? This far. [Sun]
  • Ashley Olsen doesn't wash her hands after peeing in movie theaters. Or maybe it's Mary-Kate Olsen who doesn't wash her hands in cinema bathrooms. It's the perfect crime. [P6]
  • R. Kelly is officially divorced. [People]