Rolling Stone overlord Jann Wenner forgot to do some layoffs in his last round, two weeks ago, so he just fired some more people, less than a week before Christmas.

Now he can take his annual long vacation in Sun Valley without that "to do" hanging over his head. Asshole.

Wenner's Us Weekly alone throws off $75 million a year in profit. Wenner Media revenue is around $400 million annually. The company couldn't wait 10 days to fire some more people?

It doesn't matter how much severance the ex-employee sare getting. That's not the point. The point is that Wenner would rather enjoy a less stressful vacation, or save a few days vacation pay, than do the right thing and suck it up for another week and a half so these people can enjoy the holidays. The Dec. 10 round? Fine. But Dec. 19? You terrible jerk.

One of the layoffs was a writer Wenner hired away from Newsweek in October. Another layoff, an editor, came from GQ in March. Maybe you can ask for your old jobs back, guys! (Ha ha, just kidding, they're taken, forever.)

"It was heartbreaking, but we just had to make some tough choices," Rolling Stone Managing Director Will Dana told Keith Kelly of the Post.

Well, you guys certainly made some choices. The dick choices.

May yours gifts turn to coal, every last one of them.

(Picture via Scrooged)