Though his sons may have grown up desensitized to monkeys and breasts, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner can still appreciate a good celebrity rack at the advanced age of 82.

While giving Extra's Mario Lopez a tour of the Playboy Mansion, Hefner talked about his near-fatal sex toy swallowing in the late seventies (!), then moved on to more star-studded subjects:

As for other celebrities Hefner would like to pose for Playboy, he says, "Either Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johansson," he says. Lopez brought along Jennifer Aniston's nearly nude GQ magazine cover to show Hefner who comments, "This looks like the cover of Playboy. I'm much impressed by Jennifer. Is it just me or is Jennifer Aniston getting hotter?...Never seen her in this light before."

A canny Aniston made sure to set John Mayer's DVR to record the quasi-endorsement, happy that her attempt to transform a press tour for a PG-rated dogcom into an elongated, NSFW public burlesque had gone exactly as hoped. Still, can the star keep her cache of black spray paint undiscovered until "The UNCOOL Case of Benjamin Button" gets its widest rollout?