Have you guys been able to enjoy the news at all with this big AP byline strike? Been going on since Sunday? Anybody? Hello?

Yes, in a devastating blow to fans of such names as...various AP journalists, those reporters are not allowing their bylines to appear on stories this week, as a way to FORCE management to bow to their contract demands. Playing HARDBALL, now.

Look at the comical gap between the management and union contract proposals:

It said management had proposed a wage freeze in the first year of a two-year agreement, followed by a two percent increase the following year.

The Guild said it had opened with a 10 percent wage increase proposal, "but has indicated flexibility at the bargaining table."

Better be flexible like a gymnast banging Vladimir Putin in a judo match, yo! Seriously AP, you guys are great but nobody reads your bylines anyhow, time to think of a new thing. (Withholding sex? To management? (Yes)). [AFP via Romenesko]