The West Village's low-ceiling'd celebrity coke den Beatrice Inn has a strict door policy and shuns media. But they're happy to host Irish beer heir Rory Guinness and his band, who shot a video there.

WTF is Rory, anyway? Sure, he looks unwashed. But, as a tipster told us in this post,

"the long-haired front man for iLash is a bonafide heir to the Irish beer empire, but rumor has it that he refuses the monthly trust fund deposit entrusted to him (and sister/Vanity Fair scribe Rebecca Guinness) choosing instead to take the bohemian, starving-artist approach when it comes to reputation."

How noble!

It may even be somewhat true, according to the Independent:

Recently, he's been scraping a living as a runner on films and writing press releases for The Strokes.

"I've realised the nine-to-five isn't my thing. As an artist, it's much easier to work as a waiter or bartender. You can earn $1,000 a night. My girlfriend didn't let me bartend because she wanted me home at night," he says.

However, when he and his sister got nervous when asked about their stepdad, famous writer JP Donleavy, "saying only that they spent their early childhood in a big, gloomy, old house in Mullingar."

His Beatrice Inn video, which is probably the first footage from inside the coke den (remember, no smoking or dancing, please!), hit Youtube today. Kind of amazing that this is the place everyone's talking about.

We're surprised owner Paul Sevigny gave Rory permission to film, due to their hipper-than-you media aversion. First, the Beatrice banned regular George Gurley (and his brother!) from the bar for daring to write an affectionate article about its celeb clientele in Fashion Week Daily. Then, Kirsten Dunst spent half of her Bazaar interview gushing about the place like a teen who's just discovered the roller-skating rink (although they didn't ban her.) Perhaps this is a sign of the Bea's waning exclusivity.

[Photo: Christos Katsiaouni for Guest of a Guest]