First, it was packs of wild dogs roaming Moscow, then the Shiba puppycam, and now... wild boars have invaded Berlin, reports the WSJ. They're causing problems... unless they're wild-boar babies, in which case they're adorable!

But not the adults boars, who are clearly out of control.

In October, when hunters shot a tusker in a cornfield south of Berlin, the wounded animal counterattacked, killing one man and injuring another who'd come to finish it off. Every year in Berlin several dogs are gored to death after rashly challenging boars to a fight. On one occasion, three boars got lost in a day-care center on Alexanderplatz in the heart of Berlin and panicked. The children hadn't arrived for the day yet, but the boars nearly gored the janitor.

Also, if you're one of those "vegans or whatnot," then PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE BOARS, as "it leads to inappropriate boar-human mingling."

We should add that the video/slideshow included is a perfect example and use of awesome extra Internet-only content.

In Berlin's Boar War, Some Side With the Hogs [WSJ, photo by Florian Möllers]