Hahaha: Incompetent, litigious superflack Ronn [sic] Torossian is suing a rival for $20 million for calling him a douchebag, on the internet! Hahahaha! This is my favorite story of the holiday season:

The New York Post jumps into the Douche Pulitzer lead with the headline to this story: FLAK IS DOUCHE TAGGED:

"Alpha-male publicist Ronn Torossian doesn't like being the poster boy for feminine hygiene.

So when a business rival allegedly launched a bogus Web site for Torossian linking viewers to an image of Summer's Eve douches, the p.r. titan wasn't laughing. In fact, he's suing for $20 million."

That "business rival" he's suing is Drew Kerr, the former Radar flack recently seen repping maybe-murderous publisher Felix Dennis (Kerr calls the suit "completely unmeritorious"). This story has so many elements of the absurd that I must list them, in list form:

Oh Ronn! Oh buddy. You have much bigger problems than this. [NYP]