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Oh, the poor, sad McCain campaign just sold all of their leftover campaign crap, for pennies. And of course some reporter bought some used Blackberries and guess who didn't delete anything off it?

That is right, the McCain campain sold Blackberrys to any schmo who walked in off the street, and these Blackberrys were full of emails and things:

When we charged them up in the newsroom, we found one of the $20 Blackberry phones contained more than 50 phone numbers for people connected with the McCain-Palin campaign, as well as hundreds of emails from early September until a few days after election night ….

Most of the numbers were private cell phones for campaign leaders, politicians, lobbyists and journalists. We called some of the numbers ….

“They should have wiped that stuff out,” another said. But he added, “Given the way the campaign was run, this is not a surprise.”

This is a local Fox affiliate who found all this, so of course they don't share any awesome emails or even list names of people involved. But presumably hundreds more Blackberrys are out there, full of hilarious emails about Sarah Palin's magical pregnancy and "secret political strategy" stuff like "stick your tongue out really funny-like at the end of the debate, Senator."

This is all especially ironic because, as we all know, John McCain invented the Blackberry, in 1902.

McCain Campaign Sells Info-Loaded Blackberry to FOX 5 Reporter [Fox 5 via Wonkette]