Though John Mayer will open up about Jennifer Aniston to any paparazzi within shouting distance, Aniston has remained relatively tight-lipped about the troubadour in the press. But again, something about those wily Brits seems to elicit confession, and so it is that Aniston did so much high-voltage gushing about Mayer to the Daily Mirror that she could power an entire In Touch office for a whole year:

In an exclusive interview, she blushes: "He's a rare one. He is extraordinary and it is wonderful to watch him... the way his brain works and the way he thinks thoughts... it's beautiful." [...]

"It's an amazing thing to watch a musician think," she reveals.

"I don't know many musicians but when his guitar is on him it's just like a channel.

It's something I've never ever seen before."

Truly, we can imagine the hush that falls over the Aniston mansion as she watches Mayer bang out the lyrics for his next single, "Nieces (I'm a Sensitive Poonhound)." What an honor it must be to witness such a blessed event — or as Aniston's costar might say, "That's nice."