When Radio Station Photo-Op Ideas Go Wrong: David Archuleta Glimpses Horrifying Vision of His Possible, Justin Guariniesque Future Edition! Someone at Oakland's KHOP 95.1 FM thought it would be a good idea to have Archie work the Drive-Thru/sign autographs at fourth-tier fast food franchise Del Taco (seriously, they couldn't trade him up to a Quiznos or something?), which the preternaturally upbeat, tweensy Idol phenomenon smiled through without complaint. (His father was just out of camera range, barking, "Goddamit the blue Tercel said NO sour cream. Get in the GAME, son.") Enjoy a gallery of photos here, including one of Archuleta sweetly taking the time to sign the back of Pugsley Addams's T-shirt. [ONTD]