New York City was lucky enough today to play host to a fancy panel discussion featuring the world's three fanciest magazine editors: Vanity Fair's Graydon Carter, Vogue's Anna Wintour, and The New Yorker's David Remnick. And Joe Nocera of the Times uncouthly "lashed out at the editors and asked how each of the them could be so sanguine about the future." Pish posh! Graydon Carter is convinced his invincible publication will weather this economic storm as it always has:

"All three of these magazines are, you know, a few years on either side, 100 years old and we've been through many ups and downs," he said.

Ha, yes. Vanity Fair was founded in 1914 and it's been around ever since! Except for a brief 48-year-long Great Depression-induced hiatus.

VF was the original Men's Vogue!

[NYO; pic via Conde Nast]