A feisty young blogger named Matt points out that John Edwards has not yet been given a job in the Obama administration. Shocking! As Matt points out, in his link, Edwards totally endorsed Obama last May, four months after he dropped out of the race and a mere week after Tim Russert famously declared the Democratic primary race "over" for Hillary Clinton. Despite the lateness of the endorsement it was universally acknowledged that Edwards wanted a job—then he had a sex scandal and now he will be lucky to get a job blogging about the law for Slate.

As Jeff Zeleny said in his piece on the endorsement:

But aides to Mr. Edwards said despite his personal admiration and respect for Mr. Obama, he was concerned about Mr. Obama’s experience and readiness for the job.

And he had another consideration: how to position himself for a job in the next president’s administration. As Mr. Edwards saw it, aides said, Mrs. Clinton seemed to be more likely than Mr. Obama to win the nomination.
Mr. Edwards has carefully played down his aspirations for an administration role. In an interview in January, he said he would not accept a vice-presidential spot or Cabinet position. “No, absolutely not,” he said, shaking his head emphatically when asked.

But privately, he told aides that he would consider the role of vice president, and favored the position of attorney general, which would appeal to his experience of decades spent in courtrooms as a trial lawyer in North Carolina; and his desire to follow in the footsteps of Robert F. Kennedy, one of his heroes.

Edwards and his team were engaged in lengthy negotiations with both remaining candidates after John dropped out of the race to focus on poverty and love child-hiding. And Edwards the lawyer was probably working on getting that Attorney General guarantee before he endorsed. Maybe he got it from Barack Obama! Or maybe people knew the extramarital affair the National Enquirer was investigating would probably break at some point before any hypothetical Congressional confirmation fights, and so they hedged their promises.

Either way John Edwards does not have much of a career in politics ahead of him. Or maybe he does? No one would care if Obama hired Gary Hart, so John should just bide his time for 20 years and then maybe do a little blogging and then he can run for Chelsea Clinton's Puerto Rican Senate seat when she's hired to be the new Secretary of the Department of Space-Housing and Moon Unit Development, under President Huffington.

(Of course the point of taking a story about Obama hiring his primary rivals and illustrating it with a photo of Edwards and a link to a seven-month-old blog post is actually just to remind everyone that JOHN EDWARDS IS A SEX FIEND AND HE IS A DEMOCRAT, LIKE BARACK OBAMA. We would played it differently, like maybe with a photo of Obama and Chris Dodd and the insect that lives on Chris Dodd's head, and all of them are hanging out on Dennis Kucinich's flying saucer. Why no jobs for them?)