Nearly 200 people died in the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, but amid economic chaos and a presidential transition, the story is bound to soon fall off the front pages of American newspapers. How to keep readers interested? By helping them somehow relate to a despicable band of terrorists born in a foreign land and fervently devoted to an unfamiliar religion. Preferably in a way that simultaneously makes the perpetrators seem even more crazed an awful. Enter wild allegations of cocaine and LSD use, via the British press!

"We found injections containing traces of cocaine and LSD left behind by the terrorists and later found drugs in their blood," said one official.
...One terrorist used the drugs to keep on fighting despite suffering a life-threatening injury.

Drugs are commonly used in India by workers in jobs where a lack of sleep is demanded, such as truck drivers and security guards.

Time hasn't been able to corroborate the Telegraph report, but it's all over it nevertheless. One expert told them they were crazy for even asking about the report. But this one French pundit said the Manson-family-esque drugged-out psycho-killer scenario could have happened!

Jean-Louis Bruguière, who retired this year as France's chief counterterrorism investigator... believes that discounting [the report] out of hand would be naive.
"Why wouldn't attackers do something forbidden by their religious practice — to take drugs or anything else — that could help them achieve what they consider the far more important goal of their plot in striking a blow for God?" Bruguière asks. "Adepts of the Takfir wal-Hijra sect will adopt what Islam considers impure behavior of enemy societies, like drinking alcohol, eating pork and wild living, to better prepare attacks for those same societies. That's what Mohamed Atta and the other 9/11 attackers did while plotting in the U.S.

Proof! But really, this vital and scary new aspect of the terrifying terror attacks requires much more horrific examination and analysis by other U.S. journalists before we can be 100% sure. Preferably with more awesome photos like the one used by Time above! (Awesome how they left in the red-eye. Pro move right there.)