With a recession in progress, but lots of robber barons left in a society that the media has just now noticed is more stratified than ever, the headline "Party Like It's 1929" has proved too irresistible for even the most austere of publications. This Sunday's New York Times "We're Going to Party Like It's 1929" header in the Styles section represents the apotheosis of the trend. Journalists and editors: it's been done. Retire the headline now. Proof after the jump.

"Show Us the Money: The Wall Street mess changes the campaign conversation from lipstick to liquidity. Let's party like it's 1929!" Newsweek, September.

"Bringing Back Gatsby: Brooke Geahan's Accompanied Literary Society Parties Like It's 1929": New York Observer, September. ("I like how the photographer Patrick McMullan just told us that this is like the apartment of a 21st century Gatsby," he said. "It's kind of interesting because Gatsby was right before Wall Street collapsed and this is like right before the total collapse.)

"Let's party like it's 1929": London's Sunday Times, October. ("What recession? While the rest of the world fretted about financial crises, the socialite Nicky Haslam threw open his family's former south London palace on Thursday night to 800 of his "closest friends" for a ball that resembled a scene out of The Great Gatsby.)

"1930s New York was positively sizzling. Can hard-times London grab some of that glamour? Tom Huddleston looks at the films, Lisa Mullen finds out how to party like it's 1929 and Maggie Davis shows you how to glam up like a guy or doll of the decade." Time Out, September.

"The Naked Broker: Party Like It's 1929," Euroweek, October.

"One Night to Fight for Health, Education," Washington Post, November. ("Venture capitalist Fernandez, who is a part owner of the Washington Capitals and Verizon Center, said that, at least for one night, people will try to forget the economy. "We're going to party like it's 1929," Fernandez said.)