· She may not have the palpable sexual chemistry with Stephen Colbert that she enjoys with Jay Leno or Snoop Dogg, but we could still really kick back all day to watch these two make gilded mistletoe orbs or whatever the hell it is they're up to. · Awwww...look at the little Shiba Ee-dudes frolicking around in there. Enjoy them now before they get bigger and are sent off to loving homes. · Getty stock photos + Sasha Fierce song titles = seconds of fun. · Car crash rocks the set of 30 Rock! Don't worry—everyone's OK. · Bid now on Jenna Jameson's couch! Yikes—off-white silk. Fairly stain-unforgiving choice for a porn star. · God bless Pax Jolie-Pitt: He still hoards his food in case his parents should change their mind and return him. Smart kid.