During the presidential campaign, John McCain kept getting in trouble with various musicians for stealing their godless liberal music and using it to promote his candidacy. Heart, Bon Jovi, John Mellencamp, Boston, Van Halen and the Foo Fighters all got pissed at him at various points. But only Jackson Browne sued the Arizona Senator. McCain used "Running on Empty" in a campaign ad, and Browne, whose new album features a song about hanging out in Castro's Cuba, was not happy. Now, McCain has countersued Browne, because why not. According to McCain's two motions, Browne infringed on McCain's right to free speech. McCain also says "that rather than damage the song's commercial potential, his use 'will likely increase the popularity of this thirty year-old song,'" which makes plenty of sense to us. John McCain probably has all his Flickr photos licensed under Creative Commons too, right? [THR]