Last week, we told you about the Newsweek reporter searching for sources to answer this question: Did you make love in the name of Obama? Election-night sex resulting in conceiving an actual baby must have been too hot a trend piece to pass up. Even worse, some earnest libs actually did fornicate in the name of Obama. The resulting article is out now, and we'll admit it has a great lede—Obama himself was born "almost nine months to the day after John F. Kennedy was elected."No hard stats here, other than the fact that people under thirty voted for Obama "by a margin of 2 to 1." However!

Anecdotal evidence abounds. "On election night, my husband had managed to down a bottle and a half of wine in celebration and he was all about making an 'Obama election baby'," Abbi Whitaker, 32, of Reno, Nev., told NEWSWEEK. "He thought it would be the coolest thing."

Thanks for sharing. Per our guide on how to build your own trend piece, there is—naturally—a "to be sure" paragraph near the end that basically negates the entire article:

"In order for an Obama baby boom to come to fruition, the sex craze will have to last a while... In demographic terms, to achieve even a tiny boom, the number of babies conceived this month will need to exceed [August 2007's] figure. 'So the question,' says Florida State University demographer Woody Carlson, 'is whether or not this catches on. If it's just a moment of excitement and then everybody goes back to being depressed, then we may see a tiny birth spike.'"

Change You Can Conceive In [Newsweek]