It's already been suggested by some that Karl Rove handed the Democratic Party its playbook for this month's election win. Since Rove needs all the good press he can get, he's grabbing the "I Got the First Black President Elected" meme with both hands and holding on until his next lucrative consulting gig. In an interview with the New York Times Magazine, Rove takes a break from crafting a Palin-Bush hybrid for contention in 2012 to make himself look good:Deborah Solomon's painfully, quippy interviews usually reveal more about her than about the interview subject in question, but it looks like she hit a nerve with ole KR:

Do you see the election results as a repudiation of your politics? Our new president-elect won one and a half points more than George W. Bush won in 2004, and he did so, in great respect, by adopting the methods of the Bush campaign and conducting a vast army of persuasion to identify and get out the vote.

Ah yes, Karl. The idea to get more people to vote. You came up with that in the early 1500s when you were working as a blacksmith in a small Scottish village. Next, Solomon unravels the terrifying web that connects Barack to Karl:

Have you met Barack Obama? Yes, I know him. He was a member of the Senate while I was at the White House and we shared a mutual friend, Ken Mehlman, his law-school classmate. When Obama came to the White House, we would talk about our mutual friend. Are you going to send him a little note congratulating him? I already have. I sent it to his office. I sent him a handwritten note with funny stamps on the outside. What kind of funny stamps? Stamps.

Do not lick the stamps, Barack. That's the least Bill Ayers can do considering what a pain he's been over the last few months.