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The New York Times asked a handful of prominent New Yorkers about what some of the city's "collective objectives" should be for the year ahead, causes that could unite New York in 2010 as we make an effort to "improve, change, and grow." As you probably could have expected, Donald Trump is taking up an issue of critical importance that you probably haven't given much thought to. Well, up until now, that is.

Obviously, the city needs to get rid of its tremendous debt, but what would be really fantastic, really fabulous, would be to see the city roads and, especially, the guardrails get fixed up. Whenever I drive the roads in this city, I see these terrible, truly awful guardrails. They're dented, they're broken, some of them are completely rusted out. To me, it's supposed to go hand in hand: You fix the roads and then you fix the guardrails simultaneously, but it doesn't seem to happen that way. So debt and the guardrails—but almost more, I'd say the guardrails. The guardrails are just in such bad shape.

So who's with him? Anyone? Hello?

New York’s Resolutions [NYT]