With all the recent layoffs, it seems like there are no media jobs left in New York. So we bet every female in town under 35 is getting ready to pounce on Double X, Slate's forthcoming answer to successful ladyblog (and Gawker sibling) Jezebel. (Former Gawker Elizabeth Spiers is planning her own, "less urban" women's site.) But! Double X will be a magazine (a web magazine—because web-content can be called magazines if they feel like it), which will "spin off" from its pre-existing XX Factor blog. Here's the "we're hiring" memo, gals. (Hurry—we hear that interviews are already taking place!)Excerpted from this announcement:

In the spirit of post-election adventure, Slate is starting to work on a new Web magazine: Double X. A magazine by women but not just for women, Double X will spin off from our "XX Factor" blog, where we've started a conversation among women—about politics, sex, and culture—that both men and women enjoy listening in on. The new site will do all this and more. It will take the Slate and XX Factor sensibility and apply it to sexual politics, fashion, parenting, health, science, sex, friendship, work-life balance, and anything else you might talk about with your friends over coffee. We'll tackle subjects high and low with an approach that's unabashedly intellectual but not dry or condescending.

We believe this is the right moment to launch a women's magazine that doesn't resemble any other in existence. The new site will tap into a crossroads moment in feminism, when the 1970s are firmly behind us but no one knows what's next. (Generational cross-fighting, post-feminist indifference, proof of biological sex differences?) We invite you to help us work out the new dispensation and to have fun doing it. At the moment, we're looking for ideas and writers and also for a managing editor. If you're interested, please send us a note at doublex.slate@gmail.com. And if you'd like to sign up to get e-mails about our launch this spring, please send a note to the same address.

Any anonymous, behind-the-scenes stories about your interviews or the like? Send to tips@gawker.com. It'll be interesting to see how Double X performs—and how they pay—especially with the downturn predicted in online advertising for the next year. Sometimes, it seems a little sad that "women's topics" becomes just another web-verticle. "Things you and your friends talk about over coffee" often ends up being a View-like journalism ghetto. (But not as much as mediasnark!)