Jeffrey Epstein Seizes an Opportunity

Everyone's favorite perverted billionaire is back in the news! Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting underage girls for sex in 2007, served about a year in prison, and was released in July. But the women (girls?) he allegedly got kinky with continue to have civil lawsuits pending against the shadowy money manager, and now things have gotten a touch complicated because the lawyer representing several of his victims is/was Scott Rothstein, the Florida lawyer who currently stands accused of leading a $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme in his spare time.
Naturally, Epstein isn't about to just take quiet pleasure in Rothstein's downfall, although the fact his legal nemesis is now in more trouble than he ever was probably gives him enormous pleasure.
This week Epstein filed suit against Rothstein and his former partners alleging they "prejudiced his defense of criminal and civil actions related to his alleged sexual activities," and used his name to attract investors to the Ponzi scheme by claiming—falsely—that 51 women had sued him for his sexual misdeeds (instead of three) and that he'd agreed to settle the suits for $200 million (which he had not).
Will he now try to use Rothstein's alleged crimes to have his criminal conviction overturned? We'll see! In the meantime, ABA Journal has more info on the civil suit he filed against Rothstein and his associates here. Or read the suit for yourself below.
Billionaire Sex Offender’s Racketeering Suit: Rothstein Lawyers Lied About Me [ABA Journal]