
Reports: Tech Billionaire Peter Thiel Secretly Bankrolled Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuit Against Gawker

J.K. Trotter · 05/25/16 08:50AM

On Monday, the New York Times reported that Gawker Media CEO Nick Denton had come to believe that a wealthy individual has been funding a steady stream of lawsuits, including three different ones filed by Hulk Hogan alone, against his company. Two journalists at Forbes magazine, Ryan Mac and Matt Drange, are lending credence to Denton’s theory. On Tuesday evening, the pair revealed that the powerful Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel has been secretly underwriting Hulk Hogan’s litigation against Gawker:

A Dirty Corner of Warren Buffett's Empire

Hamilton Nolan · 12/28/15 10:49AM

Despite controlling Scrooge McDuck-levels of wealth, Warren Buffett enjoys a reputation as a caring, down-home fella who is better than most other Scrooge McDucks. A new report may put at least a slight ding in that reputation.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/22/15 10:07AM

Just a year after JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s cancer diagnosis, another financier health scare: Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, who announced to shareholders Tuesday that he has a “highly curable” form of lymphoma. Tough year to be a billionaire banker you say? Sure, I guess.

Donald Trump's Grossly Exaggerated Net Worth: A Timeline

Jay Hathaway · 06/18/15 01:35PM

As cartoon plutocrat and sentient overripe pear Donald Trump officially entered the Republican presidential race Tuesday, he pointedly brandished a financial disclosure statement that asserts his net worth to be in the neighborhood of 9 billion dollars. How much is Trump really worth? If history is any guide, the safe answer is: much less than he says he does.

Getty Oil Heir Found Dead in Lurid Scene at Los Angeles Home

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/31/15 08:29PM

Law enforcement officers are investigating after Andrew Rork Getty, an heir to the Getty Oil fortune, was reported dead Tuesday by a former girlfriend against whom he had recently obtained a restraining order.

New York Housing Is Great, As Long as You're Rich and Live Elsewhere

Tom Scocca · 10/27/14 02:45PM

The New York Times real estate section is always a window into the deranged material conditions under which we live. But this weekend's edition presented a particularly neat, quasi-intentional summing up of conditions in the city's current Gilded Age.

Hot Eligible Bachelor Rupert Murdoch Buys New $57 Million Fuck Pad

Adam Weinstein · 02/21/14 03:01PM

It's been three months since Fox media mogul Rupert Murdoch slipped the surly bonds of matrimonial discord with Wendi Deng, ceding her custody of their two children and Fifth Avenue triplex. Lesser men might buckle under the ennui now. Murdoch bought a sick fucking condo.

Adam Weinstein · 01/24/14 09:08AM

Bill Gates wants to offer the world a better, thinner condom. You know, for the ladies: "We're a big funder of innovation in that area, as well."