Jesus Christ, while you weren't paying attention Disney has been busy insinuating itself into every niche of your consumer lifestyle. Do you consider yourself a fashionable person with fancy urban tastes who would never be caught dead wearing the winking Goofy sweatshirts and Tinkerbell baby-tees that are so popular in America at large? Better check your labels. Disney is determined to be included in your style, at all costs! The Death Star-like company is branching out, launching "exclusive" fashion lines that are only sold at upscale stores, home furnishings, and other products designed not for those people who love Mickey Mouse. Repeat: you may own a Disney product that does not have Mickey Mouse on it.

But now the company also sells $3,900 designer wedding gowns — no characters in sight — and women’s cashmere sweaters “inspired by Tinker Bell.” Interior design offerings include $2,800 leather club chairs and $6,000 chandeliers patterned after the Art Deco décor in Mr. Disney’s former office. One of the company’s new products: couture soap.

Ironically, just as Disney is loosening up and letting some designers do "edgy" things with its trademarked icons, it is itself being sued by an LA clothing company for allegedly stealing an edgy Tinkerbell t-shirt design. Hey, Disney is the one who's supposed to sue everyone else for stealing their images! What's going on here? Don't make us draw you a map, people. Disney needs new markets, and they've decided that those markets are YOU: the cool, the fashionistas, the city slickers, the hipsters, the sophisticated adults. Buyer beware. [NYT]