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The last few weeks haven't been easy for personal trainer to the stars Tracy Anderson: She recently lost Madonna as a client, and she's been taking an increasing amount of heat from both former clients and the press. Today Jacob Bernstein of The Daily Beast takes a look at Anderson's sketchy past and her numerous financial, legal, and personal run-ins, a number of which have been reported in the past, but aren't any less shocking a second time around. Don't think, though, that any of the criticism is changing the mind of Anderson's other super-famous client, Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwynnie is sticking by her girl:

In an email, she [Paltrow] said she remains as committed to Anderson as ever. "Tracy is the best in the world at what she does. In my experience, she is honest, loyal, dedicated, and generous to a fault as well as one of the hardest working women I have ever seen. I have her to thank for getting me into shape and I am a huge believer in her program. I look forward to continuing my work with her for years to come."

Anderson herself seems to be dealing with the loss of Madonna much the same way she's handled some of her other problems in the past: She's pretending it didn't happen:

Still, for a woman who has been accused of padding her résumé, Anderson might want to update her Web site. As of press time, the bio on the site still boasted that she was the "exclusive trainer to Madonna."

Madonna's Trainer Fights Back [TDB]
Previously: Tracy Anderson: Good With Muscles, Bad With Money [Cityfile]