· Here's a photo taken just minutes ago of Padmé Amidala, aka Natalie Portman, phone-banking on behalf of Obama. It's not too late! You can still join her on her phone-banking crusade to defeat the evil Empire in these last crucial hours! · So we've been entertaining ourselves around Defamer HQ today by sending fake CNN headlines back and forth, some of which we've collected for you here. They're a lot funnier after you haven't eaten for eight hours and just blogged about human wrecking balls. · We can't guarantee this sticker will get you free Krispy Kremes. In fact, we're pretty sure it wont. [via BoingBoing] · A reader sent in this photo of MTV's John Norris, subject heading: "that wig has to go." That's all we know. · OK—we can't stand this anymore. We need to start watching the returns. Hopefully we'll all be bright, shiny, and happy tomorrow morning. Gawker has quite the liveblog discussion group going on—head over there and contribute your two cents. Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night!