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Why did the Council of Fashion Designers of America just publish a cookbook? Because "food and fashion both start with an 'f,'" explains Diane von Furstenberg, adding that "all designers love to cook," which may very well be true but fails to explain why these designers haven't been sharing their creations with the stick-thin models that appear in their fashion shows up until now.

In any event, if the idea of whipping up Cynthia Rowley's truffle mac and cheese, Tory Burch's Andalusian gazpacho, Michael Kors's pot roast, or a batch of Zac Posen's butterscotch wafers appeals to you, you're in luck. Just don't expect Robert Verdi to come over for dinner. Not that you'd want him to, of course.

Fashionable Feasts From The CFDA []
Foodie Fashionistas Show Off in 'American Fashion Cookbook' [WSJ]