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Restaurants, bars, and clubs don't just shut down these days. They "close for renovations" for a few weeks or months. Then they announce that they are not, in fact, planning to reopen and they've been shuttered for good. Below: a few recent examples of what is sometimes the result of a series of unexpected events, but is often a face-saving public relations technique.

R&L (formerly Florent)
March 11: Closes for renovations.
March 31: Not reopening; a new tenant is taking over the space.

Beatrice InnApril 3: Shut down after it's cited by the city for numerous violations.
April 14: It's reported that "minor renovations" will be needed to reopen.
July 27: Insiders indicate that it will not, in fact, be reopening.
August 15: Co-owner Paul Sevigny confirms he's starting up something new.

June 30: The restaurant is reported to be closed.
July 8: Its owner says he's just renovating and planning to reopen.
October 7: Not reopening; the space is reported to be for rent.

July 17: Announces it will close in mid-August for two months of renovations.
Oct. 1: Its owners reveal that they have no plans to reopen.

Bungalow 8: 2001-2009 [Cityfile]
Amy Sacco: 'I Am Not Closing' [Eater]