Adorable Republican stronghold Dixville Notch, New Hampshire held its annual midnight election, and is officially terrorist for That One. Barack Obama's RESOUNDING 15-6 victory over John McCain is the resort village's first vote for a Democratic president in 40 years. And yet Ben Smith of Politico thinks it's too early to call the whole election for Obama. What do you think the commenters have to say about that?

The landslide for Obama begins...

important symbolic loss for McCain. question: was this excellent GOTV by Obama/Dems, or a general revolt of moderate NH Repubs against McCain/Palin/Bush?...

Ridiculously small sample size but I think we can infer that independents and or right leaning moderates are breaking to Obama...

The election is over, Obama wins. Cool. Sorry, Mac.

Here's to the ol' Notch doing for Obama what is did for Hubert Humphrey in 1968!

(UPDATE: Oh, naturally Obama only won because he cheated, via ACORN. Details in the comments at Wonkette.)