• There may be other suitors for NBC in addition to Comcast. Like News Corp. And Liberty Media. And Time Warner. Or maybe not. Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes, for one, says he isn't interested. [THR, DHD, Gawker, AdAge]
• More on the sale of BusinessWeek: "Knowledgeable sources" say Bloomberg is paying $2-$5 million in cash for the mag. And another source reports the mag will be changing its name to Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Naturally. [BW, NYT]
• The war between the White House and Fox News goes on. [NYDN, ABC, CJR]
• If you notice TV commercials seem more upbeat than usual, it's because the advertising world has decided to be cheerful and optimistic again. [NYT]
The Atlantic has determined that NBC CEO Jeff Zucker and New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. are "Brave Thinkers," for some reason. [NYO]

• ↓ Rupert Murdoch: MySpace may now be worth "next to nothing." [HuffPo]
• ↑ Magazines: Fewer titles will close in 2009, compared to 2008. Yay! [Folio]
TMZ: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a tough, new anti-paparazzi bill, which will make it easier for celebs to sue tabs. [WaPo]
Major Garrett: The Fox News correspondent has swine flu. Bummer. [NYM]
Jon Stewart ripped CNN to shreds (again) last night. [HuffPo]
• Do you care about the American Music Awards? On the off chance that you do, here are this year's super-exciting, totally unexpected nominations. [LAT]
• Why have ratings been falling for Dancing With the Stars this season? No one really knows for sure, but Tom DeLay is probably partly to blame. [NYT]
• Hollywood's most hated and most liked, per a poll of 1,200 underlings. [LAT]
• It's been five years to the day that Bill O'Reilly was sued for sexual harassment by producer Andrea Mackris. So if you're thinking about what to have for dinner, you may want to make falafel an option. [The Smoking Gun]