OK! Chief Supersizing His Office?
Just because we're in the midst of the Great Magazine Die-Off and print media in general is having its worst month in the past 20 years is no reason to force editors into less-than-grand offices! We hear that Kent Brownridge, the new general manager of OK! magazine, is "having a wall removed" and combining two offices into a one big, bad, office for Kent Brownridge, at an estimated cost of $50K. "The old man is still obsessed with his old boss Jann Wenner and is insisting that his office at OK be bigger than Jann's office at Us Weekly," says our source. That, despite the fact that OK! is suffering like every other celebrity magazine. Regardless, the last thing anyone in the media wants to see is Kent Brownridge in a moderately-sized office. Carry on. [Feel free to email us, Kent!]