After it was revealed that she doesn't write her own column for Page Six Magazine, socialite and self-styled "Freelance Journalist" Lydia Hearst took to her Facebook to announce she would devote her "eighteen-hour days" to a "new beginning." What will this fresh new start for the model entail? She's not really sure, but it's going to be awesome, because anything can happen in New York. After all, Krispy Kreme donuts were invented here!

There is a far different side to this city; every day is not 73 degrees and sunny, there are no beaches or accessory pets [um, what?? -ed.] and thankfully no-one drives drunk. Manhattan is a city centered on style and sophistication. The place where krispy kreme was invented and anything and everything you could ever desire from Q-Tips to Cipriani’s can be delivered right to your door.

Krispy Kreme actually started, like most delicious fried food products, in the South. In North Carolina, specifically. Serves the willowy heiress right for fancying herself an expert on junk food.

But we still look forward to seeing how Hearst transforms herself. We're betting on some kind of vanity website. Though she's probably bristle at the comparison, Hearst is already sounding like fellow protocelebrity Emily Brill:

The thing the people don’t realize is that it is a system. You don’t have to conform. It is about breaking the mold and reaching inside yourself to discover not what you are and what you are doing but who you could be and all you could accomplish.