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Billionaire financier Carl Icahn started blogging to great fanfare in February 2008. But while he got off to a very solid start, posting regularly about "shareholder empowerment" and corporate governance, the last few months have been a big disappointment for loyal readers of The Icahn Report. Icahn—who, as far as we can tell, holds the title of America's wealthiest blogger—hasn't put up anything new since April 16, and it wasn't even an original post, since it had been copied and pasted from the Huffington Post. What's with deal? Has Icahn given up?

Concerned that the legendary investor had decided to throw in the towel and give up the blog game for good, we sent a polite note to the email address listed on his site (, and asked him if he had any plans to return to the net. A couple of days passed and we didn't get a reply. So yesterday, we took a more old-fashioned approach, picked up the phone, and placed a call to Icahn HQ on the 47th floor of the GM building.

Unfortunately, we can't say that it cleared anything up. We spoke with Susan Gordon, Icahn's very kind (and "indefatigable") assistant, who assured us that she would pass along our pressing question to Mr. Icahn and get back to us.

We've yet to hear back. But we're still holding out hope that Icahn's absence is only temporary. And we know you are, too. So if you have a few minutes today, feel free to join the cause by sending an email yourself with a few words of gentle encouragement. Icahn has never shied away from using a little public pressure to get other people to do what he wants. Who says it can't work the other way around?