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Did you subscribe to Portfolio just before Condé Nast announced plans to shut down the magazine? Perhaps you were burned when you plunked down a few bucks for a Men's Vogue subscription? Kenneth Rogers feels your pain. The Alabama resident subscribed to Vibe three months before the magazine announced it would discontinue publishing, an event that Rogers says "injured" him, since he's hasn't "received a refund for the remaining balance on his magazine subscription and is no longer receiving Vibe Magazine." Rogers isn't writing off the loss and moving on with his life, though. He's filed a class action lawsuit against Vibe and its owners for breach of contract, unjust enrichment, and for violating New York State's deceptive practices statute. Rogers is asking a judge to give him his $10 back as well as award punitive damages and pay for his legal fees, too. In the meantime, you can review Rogers' slightly ridiculous lawsuit for yourself below.