Madonna Prepares for Total, No Survivors Divorce War

Attention friends of Madonna and Guy Ritchie: You are no longer friends with Guy Ritchie. Madge is mustering her forces for what is hopefully going to be an epically nasty divorce. First strategy, gather the troops and hunker down. So the icon is reportedly telling her friends, hangers-on, sycophants, and other assorted slaves to stay the hell away from her soon-be-ex husband. You know, she doesn't want to be discussing how her lawyers may totally savage Ritchie's character in advance of a possible custody battle over their son Rocco just to have it get back to the director and his friends.
[T]he atmosphere has become decidely frosty, with Madge hitting out at Guy on stage in front of thousands of fans, and alleged rows over the kids. An now, the battle is said to have turned even more bitter, with the singer reportedly telling friends to choose a side. “Madonna does not want to be telling one of her good friends in confidence about some part of the divorce strategy only to discover that the information has found its way back to Guy”, a source tells the Daily Mail. “The last thing Madonna wants is to be telling a friend about the current state of, for example, the custody battle over the children, and then to find that information has immediately got back to Guy.