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Gwyneth Paltrow is well aware that a sizeable percentage dislikes her immensely. So why is she making it worse? Who knows, but she is. In an interview with the AP—one which Gwynnie apparently conducted in "almost perfect Spanish"—she said Spain has become a "second home" to her, adding that Spain is full of history whereas the U.S. is shiny, tacky and new: "Here in the United States an old building is about 17 (years old), and over there it's from 500 B.C., it's incredible." Then she reflected on how much more relaxing things are in Spain. "They seem to enjoy life a little bit more. They aren't running around as much as in New York. They enjoy time with the family. They don't always have their Blackberries on." This is true, no doubt. Life really is more pleasant when you're vacationing in Spain and not forced to, like, go to work every day in the concrete jungle of NYC. And aren't you happy Gwynnie put down her class of Sangria for a few minutes today to give this interview and point that fact out to you? We certainly are. [AP]