• Maria Bartiromo and Erin Burnett of CNBC insist they aren't backbiting rivals. The business network said the Post created the rivalry from thin air. The Post said someone at CNBC "leaked" word of the supposed feud for free publicity and now everyone on the inside is trying to figure out who the leaker was. Which is believable, because it's not like they have anything better to do right now. [P6]
  • Lindsay Lohan is dressing up as Sarah Palin for Halloween. Sam Ronson might be Todd. [Daily News]
  • Sad Suri Cruise longs for friends her age, supposedly. [P6]
  • Does fashion photographer Bruce Weber regret caring for a 91-year-old woman now that he's not been named executor of her estate or paid the $80,000 he said he's owed? The whole situation is so far from the young gay utopia of an Abercrombie catalog. [P6]
  • Mark Wahlberg thought Saturday Night Live's impersonation of him was stupid and not as good as Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impression. But that doesn't matter because he hasn't watched the show in years anyway. In fact, uh, forget what he said about Tina Fey, he doesn't even know who that is, or what sketches she' s been in. [LA Rag Mag]
  • The Sun thinks Leonardo DiCaprio is getting fat: "Hunk To Chunk." [Sun]
  • Sandra Bernhard on Madonna: "I saw her at the gym, and I thought it was Dyan Cannon - all straggly and [bleep]." [P6]