Google's world-domination plans involve airwaves where neither television nor wireless devices play. This issue is so important that Larry Page personally went to Washington to complain to the FCC. Today's featured commenter, WagCurious, weighs in with some field knowledge. Stick around and learn something:

Where to even begin. First off, the concept of frequency "hopping" is total flawed. When the CDPD protocol tried to ride the airwaves in the analog cellular days by hopping it turned out that LOTS OF PEOPLE LIKE CELLPHONES, and so there were insufficient "blank spaces" to hop from and to. So that brilliant, frequency hopping technology ended up taking a dedicated cellular frequency to run. The same problem is going to plague Larry's smoke-and-mirrors technology.

He is trying to get something for free here, use of EXTREMELY VALUABLE frequencies, by claiming that he will hop out of the way of the current users of these frequencies. Then when they test his product in a stadium full of current frequency users, he can't hop out of their way. Then he goes crying to the government that the test was not fair. Boo hoo, I'm rich and I want to get something for free, boo hoo.

His product, at scale, will directly interfere with the current users of those frequencies. There is no way around it. When you are at 100% capacity where do you hop to? The hopping promise is the kind of BS that hardware vendors have to push in order to get their product out into the market, and the FCC knows it is a false promise. When all those new products are jamming the airwaves and an existing user turns on his device what do you think is going to happen?

Just pray your kid's vitals are not being remotely monitored at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital with the old tech when a few hundred feet away on Sand Hill Road some VC turns on his Android phone to show his secretary. But then again, maybe the nurses will notice your kid's blue complexion in time. So sure Larry, go ahead and roll out that product that can't even pass a controlled test. Why not?