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Been going to interviews but failed to actually get a new job? It's not because there are umpteen as many unemployed people as openings, but because of your slobby attire and poor grooming, says a man who'd really like to give you a makeover. "Image consultant" David A. McKnight is offering jobless New Yorkers a bargain $300 session, during which you'll be offered the kind of profound wisdom that only members of a specially ordained group of bossy gays are licensed to sell: wear better clothes!

After all, it's only human nature that what's on the outside should be valued above all else, agrees a professor at a university department the existence of which we're grateful to have been shielded from until now: The Center for Human Appearance at UPenn. "For hiring managers, it's clearly a buyer’s market," he says. "They can be more selective... [and] not only hold out for the most qualified but the person who's the most physically attractive." And, thank God, there's no law against that!

The most important advice of all, though, is regarding shoes, which according to another image consultant are "a go-to accessory that add class and give insight to one's personality." Scary! Especially if your interviewer has prepared by doing Seventeen quizzes.

Some job seekers may need extreme makeover [MSNBC]