The Chief of Staff for John McCain's Senate office is a guy named Mark Buse. Mark Buse is gay. Like every congressional chief of staff is gay, but still. Bombshell! Buse first began working for McCain back in 1984, and, except for a brief mysterious stint in the private sector (lobbying McCain, natch), has worked for him ever since. Activists Mike Rogers and Michelangelo Signorile handled the outing, as they so often do to Republicans and people who work for Republicans, all of whom are secret gays (except for the ones, like Buse, who are not really secret gays so much as "gays no one has ever heard of"). Attahced is a video clip of Mark Buse just being unbelievably gay. It's sort of news and it's sort of not! It's sort of news because McCain has capitulated entirely to the far-right anti-gay fringes of his miserable party and selected an idiot right-winger as his running mate and let his party run on an anti-gay adoption platform and all that, and quite frankly McCain probably says the word "fag" a lot, or maybe something more Navy-ish and old-fashioned like "fairy." But, you know, the guy just wants his taxes low and all the countries in the world bombed forever, and he doesn't give a shit if he can get married or adopt kids, so whatever. Let him be gay and evil! Of course in that case it shouldn't matter to him if people know he's gay or not, except in that it could damage John McCain's campaign, but will it? Who cares besides gays who already won't vote for John McCain! All the crazy Christians can decide they love a woman who's teenaged daughter had some unsafe sex with a dude who she's not married to so surely they can forgive hiring a gay. John McCain will probably fire him now, once he is president, and he's done firing everyone else.