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As everyone with a working internet connection and a pair of rabbit ears atop their TV set may have learned, beloved comedy legend Tina Fey deigned to return to Saturday Night Live this past weekend, playing vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin ("Who's that?") in a performance as accurate as it was sensitive and even-handed. Why, even Palin herself enjoyed the skit, as her spokesperson told CBS News. There's just one catch: Palin watched the whole thing on mute and never turned up the volume dial, which she then had fired. According to Star:

Sarah Palin had no problem watching Tina Fey's impression of her on Saturday Night Live over the weekend — but couldn't bear to listen what Tina said! "I watched with the volume all the way down," the vice presidential candidate for the Republican party tells FOX News Channel's Sean Hannity in a new interview for Hannity & Colmes, airing Wednesday at 9pm/ET. "I didn't hear a word she said, but the visual was spot on," Sarah says. "It was hilarious."

Can a potential President Palin stand up to Vladimir Putin if she cannot first face down intimidating SNL head writer Seth Meyers? Who knows, but if even a mild satirical sketch gives Palin pause, can we all agree that no one is to tell her about this?