Though he's served as an effective political mouthpiece for both Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama, there's one woman in politics who Matt Damon refuses to get behind, and her name is Sarah Palin. In a new interview with the AP, Damon eviscerates the Republican VP candidate, calling her pick "absurd" and a "disaster," and comparing the idea that she could ascend to the presidency to a "really bad Disney movie."Most pressing to Damon, though, is whether Palin believes that dinosaurs actually walked the earth before man, or if their bones were simply littered as surprise gifts for Adam and Eve by a mischievous Supreme Being. Take notes, Charles Gibson! When will someone finally confront Sarah Palin and ask her why she fired all the dinosaurs in Alaska? UPDATE: Gawker overlord Nick Denton ran the numbers, and it turns out that Matt Damon's statement that "there is a 1 out of 3 chance, if not more, that McCain doesn't survive his first term" wasn't quite accurate. The chances are more like 15%. How you like them apples?