Not sure what you did this lovely Labor Day weekend—saw your family, or headed off to the beach, or maybe just wandered the temporarily-empty city—but I can bet that you were not having as nearly as much wonderfully disgusting fun as our tipster. He managed to catch glimpses of the terrifying Alex McCord, from Bravo's Real Housewives of New York City reality horror, and her dopey (and apparently well-endowed) husband Simon in the nude while on, of course, the topical tropical island of St. Barth's. With, ew, their children. (To be fair, Alex is often naked, but this sighting was in the flesh!) Read the effusive report after the jump.

on sunday my partner and i were walking down saline beach and who do we see??? that crazy climbing 'social' bitch alex mccord and her gay husband simon... with their kids. they were at the end of the beach, in a sort of wash area where runoff gets trapped in a pool. walked over, and was freaked out because they were butt as naked. kids too. i mean, really. saw simon's junk, and the bare ass and tits of the REAL HOUSEWIFE. they weren't trying to hide their ASSets at all. listen, this is st barts, and naked it ALL OVER, and i love that the french are so free... but it ALWAYS creeps me out when americans go topless here because i know it's not really our custom... but DAMN, completely nude?? a 'celebrity'??? PS - simon's cock kind of big, just too bad it's attached to such a douche.