@scroll_lock: @Aaron Altman:
Love is in the air. And so is this transcript:
Darrill: Now that that's done, let's turn our attention back to the lovers. Now, when I brought in the canvas from the storeroom today, Martin, our cameraman, remarked that he thought the lovers looked... well, how did you put it, Martin?
Martin: I said I thought they were fags.
Darrill: I think what he meant is vague. And I agree. So, let's give them something, shall we? Now if you remember all great paintings have an element of tragedy to them. Uh, for instance if you remember from last week, the unicorn was stuck on the aircraft carrier and couldn't get off. That was very sad. Uh... and this week some of you wrote in with your suggestions. In fact, Mrs. Trabinsky of Paulvale Street wrote in and suggested we give this lover a tumor in his head. So, let's begin! Now color is especially important with a tumor. You want some red, and you want some green, and you want a little bit of blue to make it out... There. Can you see that? That's a really nice color for a tumor, isn't it?
Kids in the Hall always makes my morning. Thank you, and scene.