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Retired eBay CEO and McCain campaign national cochair Meg Whitman will speak on the second day of next month's Republican National Convention. The second day — dedicated to the theme of prosperity in tough times, according to a press release — is also the same day McCain's yet-to-be-named running mate is scheduled to speak. McCain could do a lot worse than to ask Whitman to take the podium for that time slot. Some think he's seriously considering it.Asked recently who were the three wisest people he knows in his life, McCain included Whitman in his answer. McCain's stump speech also regularly includes a claim that 1.3 million people make a living off of eBay and that proves America is headed in the right direction. Of course, some of those 1.3 million people are particularly unhappy with eBay these days, complaining as the auction giant messes with its fees in an attempt to become more like Amazon. Whitman's aggressive stance on the H-1B visas for foreign workers — she thinks there should be more of them — would hurt McCain with the midwestern xenophobes who dread a national anthem sung in Spanish. But then again those people don't like the moderate-on-immigration McCain much already. If Obama doesn't choose Hillary Clinton, it would also be a tactical grab for some of disaffected centrists who might admire a woman who played hardball while leading eBay for 10 years. (Photo by AP/Dharapak)